Adoption Form

    Adoption Application

    Applicant Information

    Contact Information

    Section 1: Dog Information

    What is the name of the dog you are interested in?

    List any general questions you would like to ask about this particular dog:

    Are you willing to allow a representative from Forgotten Paws Pet Rescue to visit your home by appointment?

    Why are you adopting a dog?

    Things that turn you off about a pet:

    Section 2: Home Information

    Please indicate where you live:

    Do you...

    If you rent, do you have the landlord's permission to own a dog?

    What is the apartment complex name?

    What is the landlord's phone number?

    How much is the pet deposit? $

    How many times have you moved in the past 5 years?

    If you move, will your pet go with you?

    What would you do with your pet if you were to move to a place that didn't accept it?

    Do you have a fully fenced yard with no fence gaps?

    If yes, how high and what kind?

    If no, would you consider fencing all or part of it as a condition of adopting a dog?

    Do you have a pool?

    If yes, is there a separate fence around the pool?

    Section 3: Household/Family

    Number of adults in household?


    Does anyone in the household smoke indoors?

    Do you foresee any major changes in your life in the next 15 years (average lifespan of a dog) such as marriage, childbirth, health problems due to age, going away to college?

    If yes, please explain:

    Can you provide a permanent home for this dog for 10-15 years?

    Section 4: Household Pets

    Section 4: Care & Training

    Is the dog you applying for a long haired breed?

    If you are considering a long-haired breed, how often would the dog be groomed?

    Section 5: Lifestyle

    Please explain:


    Section 6: Additional Questions